Thursday, 18 October 2012


Wyke cover magazine evaluation


This is my finished wyke college front cover page.

LIAR analysis:

·         Media Language- My pain picture was taken at the college library as I think it is the best place to show how students at wyke are studying; also there are always many people in the library, this show how many students attend there. When planning my picture I wanted to take an over shoulder shot of student working at the computer desk. However I thought that having someone’s face on the cover is important. Person on the picture smiles while doing his work. We can see that he was concentrated on it as he still holds the computer mouse and sits opposite the computer. He only turned his head around when I took a picture. I placed the title on the top to make the magazine look more professional as this is a popular convection. Also the title is purple, this link with Wyke College logo.  Under the tile I placed a pull quote about university, this links to what the student is doing as he writes his “personal statement”.

Ideology- The idea behind this magazine is to support student and provides information. I have all the pull quotes based on students or events. This pulls audience attention and makes the magazine really useful.

Representation- I tried to stay with the convections. I placed the barcode on the left bottom corner as I noticed on other magazines. Also the convection of the picture, in the picture I tried to include the computer and the books in the background as those are stereotypes for a student. I have also included Wyke web site, the date and the text box, all as conventions.


When montage the magazine I thought of the use of colours, this means that all the text is visible even the background is very colourful, it was difficult to find a good colour and place it in a visible place without changing convection. If I had a chance to do my magazine again and improve it, I would work on my Photoshop skills as those are really important. I think the fonts and the colours are not working together fully, this shows that the magazine is not professional. Also I took my picture in a wrong way, If I would turn the camera around the main image would not be as stretched as it is, this will also improve the quality of the picture making it look better. Regarding to the picture, everyone is sitting down and in the background there is a woman that is standing. We can clearly see that the woman is not a student and she’s not learning, this affect the mood in my picture. Another think is the students hand, it would look better if he would have his hand on the keyboard pretending to work. This would add realism to my magazine.

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