Tuesday, 8 January 2013

Feedback response

When reading the feedback I understound that I need to write more about the process of me makeing picures or working with photoshop. More description is needed.
Peer Feedback

Lucy Richmond

Your blog is good and fits the genre you have chosen. It looks like a lot of work has gone into the blog and you have done some extra work such as behind the scene videos of photo shoots and make tutorial videos which shows you have put some extra effort into your work

Strengths: your front cover is very good and follows the conventions of a magazine. It looks realistic and like something you would find in a shop. It also fits with the genre of music you have chosen.

Areas for improvement: You could maybe make the masthead slightly bigger so that it stands out more. You could also make some of the features bigger to fill in some gaps.

Peer Assessment

Lauren Bird

Simon's cover is very well laid out and all of his blog matches the cover's theme. His research is very in depth and includes a variety of videos and images. His main image is very effective as a cover image. He could maybe improve the design of his magazine logo and the text layout.

Peer Feedback by Sammiie Vickerman

This blog is good, however it would look a lot better if there was more draft posts, if you had taken more images included all of the images you have taken. Your idea spider diagram could be more detailed and a bit more pacific. With the pictures you have taken you could say why you made them do what they did, how the photoshoot went, what you enjoyed about doing it, if you found it difficulty, what pictures you'd use etc. The moodboard could have images of Rock singers/bands, different fonts you want to use. The video of Linkin Park Numb you could writre about why you uploaded that video.

However the blog is good, some aspects are detailed that aren't mentitoned above. The front cover you have uploaded is good, it's a good idea, good use of colour using the genre of Rock music/magazines.